Laboratoire de Psychologie des Pays de la Loire (LPPL)

Laboratoire de Psychologie des Pays de la Loire


The LPPL in brief :

The Laboratoire de Psychologie des Pays de la Loire (Pays de Loire Psychology Laboratory), otherwise known as LPPL, was created in January 2012 following the merger of the psychology laboratories of the universities of Nantes and Angers.

This research laboratory brings together research lecturers and researchers from various fields in psychology. It is led by Philippe Alain, a neuropsychology professor at the University of Angers, and co-managed by Anne Congard, a Differential Health Psychology professor at the Nantes University.

Latest News :

SoCoSCA project funded by the ANR (2024-2028)

Social cognition deficits in Spinocerebellar Ataxia: A neuropsychological and neuroimaging study.

Study : Young people and business, the (im)possible match

LPPL and the development affiliate CAPACITÉS SAS worked with the CCI [Chamber of Commerce and Industry] to carry out a major study on the relationship between young people and businesses.


A series of scientific events on health risks and choices.

Le LPPL participe au projet "HILAUSENIORS" - Habitats Intermédiaires - Logements - AUtonomie – SENIORS

Vague 2 "Autonomie : Vieillissement Et Situations De Handicap" du PPR Autonomie

Recent publications :

Psychologie et spiritualité. Fondements, concepts et applications

Sous la direction de Nicolas Roussiau et Elise Renard

Les 22 grandes notions de la psychologie clinique et de la psychopathologie

Sous la direction de Cyrille Bouvet et Abdel Halim Boudoukha

Expérimentez la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale

Révisé par Abdel Halim Boudoukha

Les fonctions exécutives de l'enfant

Sous la direction d’ Arnaud Roy, Nathalie Fournet, Didier Le Gall, Jean-Luc Roulin.

Some key figures :

  • 46
  • 40
    PhD students
  • 38
Mis à jour le 15 February 2024.